I’m a huge fan of Mel Robbins, the creator of The 5 Second Journal. She’s a motivational speaker and the inventor of The 5 Second Rule.
The 5 second rule is a way to help you stop feeling anxious, be more productive, and push through your personal mind-games to achieve your goals.
If you haven’t heard of her before, you should start by checking out this video.
She’s a no-nonsense gal that tells you what you need to hear to change and improve your life. She also has an incredible series on audible called Kick Ass with Mel Robbins.
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Now, you can use the journal without ever having listened to her speak or explain how to use the 5 second rule, but you’ll be missing out on a lot of helpful advice.
Once you listen to her speak, the journal makes sense and you’ll be planning for the most productive days ever.
This daily journal is designed to help you get shit done, kiss overwhelm goodbye, cultivate confidence, amp up your passion, get control of your life, and be the happiest you. Who doesn’t need this planner?
The planner itself is a hard-cover, spiral bound notebook with elastic closure and features a two-page per day layout.
This large amount of daily planning space has places for recording how you feel, why you feel that way, and how to feel more energized.
You’ll note your top project, why it matters to you, and one small action you can take to move forward on it. There’s a spot for a brain dump, hourly schedule, what time you’ll stop working, and noting what you are grateful for.
My favorite section, however, is The Confidence Corner. It’s a section on each daily page that pushes you to do more thus improving your confidence. E
ach day you’ll get a challenge such as “take ten interesting pictures” or “donate three books to your local library.” Then on the next day, this section follows up with you and asks if you did the assigned task, what you learned from it, and if you didn’t do it, why?
It’s an amazing way to push your boundaries every day.
If you try this planner, let me know what you think in the comments below. I’d love to know how it works for you!