Nancy Queen illustrated by Hadley Queen
Hi and Welcome to SweetPlanit!
I'm so glad you are here! I'm Nancy and I have been wanting to start this blog for years.
What is SweetPlanit?
You’ve probably come to this site because you’re considering starting an online business and don’t know where to begin.
Or maybe you’ve already started one but you’ve got questions about how to grow, scale and monetize.
You will learn how to do all of those things here on SweetPlanit.
I’m not just a blogger talking about how I made money with my how-to blog website.
I’m actually a blogger who can show you how I took my blog almost-forgotten blog and turned it into a successful revenue stream!
My dog, Maggie. She’s a Malshi (Maltese/Shih Tzu mix).
Let me give you a little back story about my NobleKnits website.
It’s an online spot for knitters and crocheters featuring curated content, how-tos, and lots of crafting tips.
I started my company nearly 20 years ago. The entire experience has been an adventure full of twists and turns. When I started my company the internet was young.
Information wasn't readily available the way it is today. I had to read books on starting a business, how to set it up, and learn all the state rules and regulations. Phonebooks were still a thing and that's how we started advertising and trying to find customers.
Even back then, I was really into the computer and started with an online store. I opened two brick and mortar stores then moved my store completely online about ten years ago. It was a big risk at the time and we weren't sure if online-only would work. We had to make a lot of changes in how we buy, present our products, and cater to an online customer.
The journey has been full of lots of ups and downs including high points like designing for and appearing on QVC with several crochet collections, filming an all-encompassing how-to crochet video, and writing four knitting and crochet books to low times like when the scarf-yarn craze ended (it’s true!) and we had to rethink our whole business all over again!
What do I love about running a small business?
To me, it's exciting! Every day brings new challenges and ideas that I try to explore to grow. I love social media and its ever-changing nature.
Just when you think you have it figured out, a new platform comes out, there's a new trend, or I realize there are improvements we can make to better serve our customers.
I love how so many things I do in my business change daily, yet other things like talking to customers and getting people excited about new products never change.
My 5 Keys to Success Have Been:
Be passionate and do what you love
Be adaptable
Be organized
Work hard
You don't have to know everything. Surround yourself with people smarter than you and possess skills you don't have.
What will you find here:
I'll be sharing my blogging journey, how you can start and grow your own online business, ways to set goals and achieve them, keep it all organized, and how to stay motivated.
Thanks for joining me!
- Nancy