How to Study in a Bullet Journal
With a new school year off to a fresh start, it’s a great time to take a look at your study habits and see if there are any ways to improve.
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Did you know you can use a bullet journal for studying?
I’ve compiled some really helpful videos to help you get started. The image above is from tammyrosebujo on Instagram.
If you’re new to bullet journaling, it’s an easy way to take an ordinary notebook and turn it into the ultimate planner. Here’s a beginner’s guide to bullet journaling.
I’ve also provided a handy overview of each video so you can review the highlights of each and choose the videos that will work best for your personal bujo improvement.
AmandaRachLee shows you how to plan in your bullet journal. Here are my favorite takeaways from this helpful and fun to watch video.
Kick off the semester by creating a semester overview calendar and then listing out the important events so they can be found at a glance. Those important events are things like assignments, quizzes, essays, and test dates. Color codes each by subject so they are easy to find on the calendar.
Create a weekly timetable or schedule. This is really helpful to have while you are getting used to a new schedule to memorize. Rather than using the typical schedule your school gives, she breaks up each day into a timetable with blocks from 9 am to 6 pm. Then colors in each block when there are classes using the same color codes as on the semester overview calendar.
Other helpful pages include a budget tracker, weekly spread with study tracker, a test planner, grade tracker, and lots of motivational quote pages scattered throughout.
Steph from BuzzFeed Nifty shows you how to make bullet journals for studying. She mostly applies it to college students, but it would be beneficial for middle school and high school students to watch as well. My favorite tips from this video are:
Create a semester overview page with the weekly schedule and calendars for each month with important to remember dates.
Make pages for a study tracker, grades tracker, and budget tracker.
It’s important to have a weekly spread and includes space for your events, homework, and assignments due, and daily tasks.
Caitlin from Caitlin’s Corner is one of the gurus of Bullet Journaling for Students videos. In this back to school planner, she creates a timetable with her class schedule. She also provides an important tip:
“If you are someone who gets overwhelmed by the workload of university, scheduling in time to do work for those classes can be really helpful. Then you have a plan for attach and you don’t have to worry so much about when things are going to get done.”
Here’s more takeaways from this video to help you stay organized.
Create a really handy master syllabus that allows you to track all of the assignments due for the entire semester. Color code it by course for easy reference.
Since many professors track attendance, make an attendance tracker so you don’t get marked negatively for missing too many classes.
Create a course outline that includes your professor and TA’s contact information as well as a spot for the lecture date and time.
Make a grid with space for all thirteen weeks of the semester so that you can record homework assignments and due dates.
A weekly spread should not be forgotten. Add a section for hydration tracking, meditation, and yoga. Also include a space for a to-do list, menu tracker (be sure to include breakfast, lunch, and dinner), and study tracker. Don’t forget to record acts of self care and use a sleep tracker.
If you like a little more room, use a daily spread! It’s got similar information to the weekly spread such as sleep tracker, to-do list, and menu tracker. Also add a section for gratitude and something awesome that happened each day.
My favorite page is this project/study planner. Use it for planning a large project, essay, or test. Once you have the due date, block how many days you have to complete each part of the project. Then write what needs to be completed in each part in the section below.
PlanningwithKay creates 8 bullet journal spreads to help with studying. These layouts are simple to create and really beneficial for helping you stay organized.
Class Schedule. It’s helpful to have when you are planning your studying. Helpful hint: If you are thinking of adding or dropping classes, use Post-Its to block out your schedule and then write in permanently once your schedule is finalized.
Semester at a Glance. Create a space for each month of the semester and write down important events, deadlines, and large projects. Don’t use this section for quizzes or homework assignments.
Class Information Spread. Keep important info such as professor’s email, office location, and important syllabus details such as textbooks and grading. Also add dates for midterms and finals.
Assignment Tracker. The number one cause of failure or victory is being prepared. Be aware of deadlines, due dates, quizzes, and tests. Write everything down in the assignment tracker for success. Don’t trust your memory to remember everything!
Reading Tracker. Keep track of all reading assignments for the semester here so it doesn’t clog up the other trackers in your bullet journal. Record the chapter, page, and read by dates.
Monthly Log. Create a simple, fast, and effective layout so can see all of your month at a glance.
Weekly Log. Split your log between personal and school events. Use an hour by hour plan to organize your college schedule. You’ll need to work around the schedule to block out time to study. Don’t forget to schedule in some time for self care and hanging out with friends.
Daily Log. Create to-do sections to keep school and personal life separate. It’s too easy to forget an important assignment when it’s nestled between personal items. Schedule out your day hour by hour and make a box for Due Today so you don’t forget anything important.
Myriad Inklings shows you how to study for exams using your bullet journal. Here are some of her key points you’ll want to know for best results.
Take a look at your syllabus. Which topics and chapters will be on your exam? Make note of them.
List out topics on a page in your bullet journal while leaving space in between the topics. Highlight the topics with different colors.
List out the ways you want to study the topics: mind map, powerpoint, flashcards, and review. For vocab use index cards and quizlets. For concepts use mind maps or create your own practice sheets. For review use notes, homework, and power points.
Make a progress bar. Fill in a square each time you study and put the date next to it. It’s really useful to track how many times you’ve covered a subject and which subjects you haven’t spent much time on. Make a slash / when you’ve covered it once and an X when you’ve mastered it.
Other tips. Start planning early so you don’t get overwhelmed. Making a plan on how/when to study is the first step to successful studying.
Caitlin’s Corner is back with another helpful video about bullet journaling for students. Here’s her latest advice.
Create your schedule with clocks that block out your schedule.
Make a master syllabus by creating calendars for the entire semester so you can record important information.
Have a page to record grades. You can have the weight of the grade, the grade, and the assessment. Also include a spot for the professor and t.a.’s contact info.
Make formulas page. Create a header and then make the actual formulas removable so you can refer to them when working in your text box. Attach with washi tape for easy on/off this bujo page.
Extracurriculars. Great for high school students who need to have community service hours. Keep track of your volunteering time as well as time you spend in any clubs you participate in.
Weekly Layout. Write down everything you have to do for the week and assign it to specific days. Be sure to add events and classes, meal planning, and to do items.
Monthly Study Log. Keep it clean and color in a box for every hour studied.
Assignment Outline. Create a grid to track your progress. Then add sections for brainstorming, research, draft, and revisions.
Student Budget Planner. Record your fixed expenses, then with remaining dollars plan budget for food, school, clothing/beauty, and other.
Sam J Granger made some spreads for how to organize your studying with the bujo.
Future Logs. List assignments, due dates, and important personal dates.
Semester Plan. Create an overview log that is just for school related items. Be sure to record breaks and holidays as well as important due dates such as tests and midterms. Use a color code to easily identify each class.
Monthly Logs. Plan out assignments and break things out by due dates. Make notes on todos.
Weekly Logs. Have a study plan in your weekly log. Create a rough outline of what you want to work on and when.
Study Plan. Create large boxes for each day and add tasks to complete each day.
Degree Overview. Courses you’ll need to do each semester in order to graduate. Be sure to add checkboxes so you can tick off when you’ve completed a course.
Useful Contacts. Add all of your professors, teacher’s assistants, and class friends you may need to contact throughout the semester.
Course Breakdown. List out all of the projects and reading you’ll be responsible for each semester for a course. It’s great for checking off to track your progress for a class.
Study Brain Dump. A place to dump all of the important things on your mind so you won’t forget anything.
How to Assignment. A page that is advice to yourself to help you remain calm when you have a lot on your plate. Always refer to this page when feeling overwhelmed.
Assignment Summary. Create a page to organize an assignment. Break it down into small achievable steps and then assign tasks to each step.
Christylynn’s video isn’t focused on bullet journaling, it’s more on how to take notes. It’s such a helpful video, I think you’ll gain a lot of useful tips from it. In addition, you can apply her note taking guide and use it in your bullet journal.
Sometimes professors go fast, so take notes and then organize and rewrite them for easier studying and remembering.
Write out the title and add the date as well as unit/chapter.
Add important info and vocabulary you need remember and highlight them.
Divide topics by using headers and divider lines.
Add subcategories to break out more details.
“Once I started rewriting my notes, my grades got a lot better.”
I hope you found these bullet journal studying videos helpful. Do you have other ways you use your bullet journal to study? Let me know in the comments below.