How to Set Goals and Achieve Them!

Table of Contents

  • How to Achieve Goals

  • List of Goals

  • Personal Goal Examples

  • Reaching Goals

Did you know that if you set goals you have a much greater chance of achieving your dreams?

Yep. It's that simple.

If you focus on your goals it allows you to put the tasks in place to turn your goals into a reality.

How to Achieve Goals

I'm going to show you step-by-step how to turn your goals into a reality.

Not long ago, I wrote a post on how to make a vision board.

The task of making a vision board is not to create a board of dreams and then sit back, do nothing, and wait for everything to be handed to you on a silver platter.

Rather, the goal of a vision board is to put the dreams in front of you so that you can work to make them happen.

Guess what? If you're not into vision boards, that's okay!

I'll show you another way to achieve your dreams.

List of Goals

Grab a piece of paper and make a list of goals and dreams.

No, do not say that your goals are in your head and you don't need to write them down. It's a fact that if you write down your goals you actually have a chance of achieving them. 

So find a quiet place, sit down and take two minutes to write down your dreams.

You don't need to share this list with anyone. The faster you do it the better. That way you aren't overthinking or editing them.

Personal Goal Examples

One of my favorite Pinterest Pins is a wall design that lays out goal setting perfectly.

This pin perfectly captures how to turn your dreams into a reality. 

"A DREAM written down becomes a GOAL. A goal broken down into steps becomes a PLAN. A plan backed by ACTION makes your dreams a REALITY."

For example, if your goal is "I want to own a Ferrari" or "I want to train my dog to sit" the actions you'll put into place are the same. 

Your dreams can be whatever you want - big or small, short term or long term. 

Now that you have your dreams written down, let's make them happen!

Reaching Goals

You've written down your dreams now what? Those dreams are now called GOALS.

Let's say you wrote down "I want to own a Ferrari by the time I'm 30" (long term).

What are the steps you would need to take to make that happen?

Perhaps those steps would be "save $--/per month", "find a better paying job", "price used Ferraris".

What if your goal is "I want to train my dog to sit by the end of the month" (short term).

What are the steps you would use to achieve that goal?

Maybe you'd "purchase dog treats", "read a book on dog training", or "sign Fido up for obedience school".

Both goals we mentioned use the same technique to achieve them.

It's an ACTIONABLE plan with a completion date.

By writing down the steps needed for each goal, you can add those items to your daily to-do list.

How simple is that?

We took dreams and turned them into actionable items that are part of your daily tasks!

Note that with each goal we tied it to a date.

The reason for that is that it pushes you to take action.

If you have to change the date, that's ok.

Maybe the dog obedience class isn't until the following month. Just set a new date and continue working towards your goal.

Goal Setting
  1. Write down your dreams.

  2. Dreams are now goals.

  3. Make a plan for each goal by listing out tasks you'll need to complete.

  4. Add those tasks to your daily to-do list.

  5. Check off each task as you complete it.

With those simple steps, you are working towards reaching your goals on a daily basis! Just by following these 5 steps, you can turn every dream into a reality.

Now go make those dreams happen!

Have you tried writing down your goals and taking actionable steps to achieve them? What were any stumbling points for you? I'd love to hear!

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How to Set Goals